Latest Updates
love learning language
Latest Updates to the site:
4th February 2025, Italian: 20 Wordwall Games added
16th January 2025, French: 4 Wordwall Games added
16th January 2025, German: 4 Wordwall Games added
27th November, French: 8 Wordwall Games added
20th November, French: 24 Wordwall Games added
18th November, French: 8 Wordwall Games added
14th November, French: 8 Wordwall Games added
13th November, Italian: 32 Wordwall Games added
11th November, Italian: 8 Wordwall Games added
8th November, Italian: 8 Wordwall Games added
6th November, Italian: 12 Wordwall Games added
24th October, Italian: 32 Wordwall Games added
22nd October, Italian: 8 Wordwall Games added
22nd October, Spanish: 12 Wordwall Games added
15th October, Spanish: 12 Wordwall Games added
14th October, Spanish: 12 Wordwall Games added
11th October, Spanish: 12 Wordwall Games added
10th October, Spanish: 28 Wordwall Games added
2nd October, French: 12 Wordwall Games added
22nd September, German: 20 Wordwall Games added
13th September, German: 16 Wordwall Games added
10th September, German: 12 Wordwall Games added
26th July, German: 24 Wordwall Games added
12th July, German: 16 Wordwall Games added
5th July, German: 28 Wordwall Games added
3rd July, German: 45 Wordwall Games added
3rd July, French: 34 Wordwall Games added
28th June, French: 82 Wordwall Games added
19th June, Spanish: Euro 2024 (29 new pages)
14th June, German: Euro 2024 (29 new pages)
14th June, French: Euro 2024 (28 new pages)
24th May, French: Variable Time Phrases (15 new pages)
24th May, French: Time Phrases in the Future (15 new pages)
17th May, French: Time Phrases in the Past (15 new pages)
15th May, French: Time Phrases of Frequency (14 new pages)
10th May, German: Variable Time Phrases (15 new pages)
3rd May, German: Time Phrases in the Future (15 new pages)
26th April, German: Time Phrases in the Past (15 new pages)
26th April, German: Time Phrases of Frequency (14 new pages)
17th April, French: L'Uniforme Scolaire (17 new pages)
27th March, German: Schuluniform (17 new pages)
27th March, French: Les Bâtiments au Collège (16 new pages)
22nd March, German: Gebäude in der Stadt (15 new pages)
20th March, French: Les Pièces dans la Maison (16 new pages)
9th February 2024, German: Zimmer im Haus (16 new pages)
31st January, French: Les Matières (20 new pages)
24th January 2024, German: Schulfächer (20 new pages)
12th January 2024, German: Frühstück (16 new pages)
17th November, French: Le Petit Déjeuner (19 new pages)
8th November, German: Speaking Exam Fotokarte Z (Travel and Tourism) (4 new pages)
8th November, French: Les Légumes (16 new pages)
20th October, French: Les Fruits (15 new pages)
13th October, German: Gemüse (16 new pages)
6th October, German: Obst (15 new pages)
27th September, German: Kleidung (22 new pages)
2nd July, German: Die Weltmeisterschaft 2023 (29 new pages)
23rd June, French: La Coupe du Monde 2023 (29 new pages)
3rd May, French: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (5 new pages - Santé)
28th April, French: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (10 new pages - Mon collège / Mon petit job)
26th April, French: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (5 new pages - Ma Régioin)
19th April, French: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (5 new pages - Mon Temps Libre)
24th March, German: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (10 new pages - Freizeit and Musik und Kino)
22nd March, German: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (5 new pages - Schule)
17th March, German: GCSE Writing Exam Model Answers (9 new pages - Urlaub und Umwelt)
3rd March, French: Speaking Exam Role-plays (9 new pages)
13th February, French: Speaking Exam Photocards (5 new pages)
12th February, French: Speaking Exam Photocards (10 new pages)
8th February, French: Speaking Exam Photocards (15 new pages)
25th January, German: Speaking Exam Roleplays (8 new pages)
20th January, German: Speaking Exam Fotokarten (5 new pages)
18th January, German: Speaking Exam Fotokarten (15 new pages)
15th January, German: Speaking Exam Fotokarten (5 new pages)
13th January, German: Speaking Exam Fotokarten (15 pages)
11th January 2023, German: Present Tense Strong Verbs (16 pages)
23rd November, Spanish: Mundiales 2022 (30 pages)
20th November, German: Die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 (30 pages)
12th November, French: la Coupe du Monde 2022 (30 pages)
9th November, German: Umwelt - Meinungen (4 pages)
14th October, German: Present Tense Weak Verbs ending in -TEN and -DEN (12 pages)
12th October, German: Present Tense Weak Verbs (21 pages)
5th October, French: Mois et Anniversaire (14 pages)
23rd September, German: Monate und Geburtstag (10 pages)
23rd September, German: In + Accusative or Dative (10 pages)
10th July, French: Euro 2022 (27 pages)
6th July, 5 new Wordwall tasks added to First Year Learning French Unit 9
29th June, French: Au, à la, à l' et aux (12 pages)
15th June, 6 new Wordwall tasks added to First Year Learning French Unit 7
8th June, 5 new Wordwall tasks added to First Year Learning French Unit 7
8th June, Verbs Revision - aller, avoir, être, -ER (10 pages)
27th May, 8 new Wordwall tasks added to First Year Learning French Unit 6
25th May, 11 new Wordwall tasks added to First Year Learning French Unit 5
11th May, I am currently adding Wordwall tasks to First Year Learning French, with units 1 - 4 done so far
25th March, German: Die Nummern von 30 bis 100 (all with listening)
23rd March, German: Verb Buster unit fully revamped
11th March, French: Les Nombres de 30 à 100 (with listening) (16 pages)
3rd March, Spanish: IR + A - The Immediate Future (11 pages)
25th February: All Grammar Explanation pages should now be in the new format.
January / February - currently working on recoding all Grammar Explanation pages to fit the site style - Example here
19th January - All languages - Christmas units upgraded
14th January 2022, German: Equivalent Subjects (25 pages, including 6 Wordwall activities)
12th January 2022, French: Equivalent Subjects (25 pages, including 6 Wordwall activities)
5th December, Italian: Natale (3 new Wordwall games added)
5th December, Spanish: Navidad (3 new Wordwall games added)
5th December, German: Weihnachten (3 new Wordwall games added)
1st December, French: Noël (3 new Wordwall games added)
26th November, German: Word Order in German (40 new pages)
12th November, German: Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions (43 new pages)
20th October, French: IN = dans - à - en - au (different ways to translate "IN" (6 new pages added)
15th October, German: Reflexive Verbs Accusative and Dative (12 new pages added)
8th October, German: Verhältnisse (Relationhips) (16 new pages added)
6th October, French A Level: Un Sac de Billes - Joseph Joffo - Biographie (3 pages)
30th September, French A Level: Le Passé du Conditionnel / Conditional Perfect Tense (14 pages)
30th September, French A Level: Musique et la Loi Toubon (4 pages)
29th September, French A Level: Sans Domicile Fixe (9 pages)
29th September, German: Umwelt (4 new pages added)
28th July, French: Lire - Dire - Écrire - le Présent (19 pages)
29th June, Italian: Euro 2020/21 - Italiano (28 pages)
18th June, Spanish: Euro 2020/21 - Español (28 pages)
16th June, German: Euro 2020/21 - Deutsch (28 pages)
13th June, French: Euro 2020/21 - Français (28 pages)
28th May, French: Faire - to do / to make (15 pages)
26th May, French: AVOIR - ÊTRE - ALLER Revision (15 pages)
26th May, French: -ER Verbs Revision (15 pages)
21st May, French: Adjectives for Beginners (16 pages)
5th May - All French Grammar units upgraded and "Drag the Words" tasks added.
9th - 12th April - Third Year Learning and French Vocabulary units upgraded and "Drag the Words" tasks added.
3rd - 8th April - Second Year Learning French All Units upgraded and "Drag the Words" tasks added.
2nd April, French: Les Questions (Questions words) (14 pages)
24th March, First Year Learning French Units 8-10 upgraded and "Drag the Words" tasks added.
19th March, German: Perfect Tense, Upgraded and 8 new style tasks added (21 pages)
17th March, German: Fragewörter - Question Words (20 pages)
17th March, First Year Learning French Units 1-7 upgraded and "Drag the Words" tasks added.
February 2021: Work on the website has currently stalled, as the time I usually have in my week to manage it is currently dedicated to home-schooling my own children during lockdown school closures. Hopefully normal service will resume soon ...
20th December, French: Aller (to go) (15 pages)
11th December, Italian: Natale (updated and new style pages added)
4th December, Spanish: Navidad (updated and new style pages added)
4th December, German: Weihnachten (updated and new style pages added)
2nd December, French: Noël (updated and new style pages added)
27th November, French: Avoir (to have) (12 pages)
12th November, French: Être (to be) (10 pages)
5th November 2020, German: Comparatives and Superlatives (4 pages)
11th September 2020, German: Um ... zu ... Clauses (12 pages)
1st July, French: TT3 Online Distance learning: Unité 7 Au Choix - 9 pages added
25th June, French: TT3 Online Distance learning: Unité 7 + Rappel 6-7- 26 pages added
20th June, French: TT2 Online Distance learning: 30 pages (unit 7)
13th June, French: TT1 Online Distance learning: 33 pages (units 8 and 9) and 5 Video Introductions added
5th June, iPads and Apostrophes - Solution to problem with curly Apostrophes on iPads published
30th May, French: TT3 Online Distance learning: Unité 7 - 20 pages introduced (and 25 more on the way)
20th May, French: TT1 Online Distance learning: Video Introductions added for Faire and Activities with Faire
15th May, French: TT2 Online Distance learning: 18 pages added
14th May, French: TT1 Online Distance learning: Further Video Introductions added
11th May, French: TT1 Online Distance learning: 15 pages + Video Introductions and Quizlet games added
28th April, French: TT1 Online Distance learning: 36 pages added
20th April, French: TT2 Online Distance learning: 26 pages added
9th April, German: Feste und Traditionen (27 pages)
1st April, German: Meine Osterferien - Phantasialand (9 pages)
11th March 2020, French: -ER Verbs for beginners - 6 new sorting tasks added
24th January 2020, German: Trennbare Verben / Separable Verbs (22 pages)
15th January 2020, French: L'Impératif (18 pages)
30th December 2019: Latin html5 upgrade work completed!
26th December 2019: Italian html5 upgrade work completed!
29th November 2019: French html5 upgrade work completed!
22nd November 2019: Spanish html5 upgrade work completed!
15th November 2019: German html5 upgrade work completed!
13th November, German: Meinungen und Wortstellung (11 pages)
November 2019: Work is continuing on a rolling html5 upgrade programme. It is a massive job, but I am making progress. French is largely done and I now working through German and Spanish.
9th October, German: Reflexive Verbs (19 pages)
15th May, German: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns (11 pages)
10th May, French: La Musique Francophone) (5 pages)
27th February, French: Les Pronoms Disjonctifs (Emphatic Pronouns) (9 pages)
10th February, French: Les Superlatis (14 pages)
25th January, French: Les Comparatifs (8 pages)
23rd January, German: Meine Familie und die Umwelt (12 pages)
23rd January, German: Ein umweltfreundliches Haus(5 pages)
17th January 2019, French: Le Plus-que-parfait (Pluperfect Tense) (9 pages)
17th October, German: Cases: Nominative and Accusative (3 pages)
17th October, German: Relative Pronouns (5 new pages added)
There is a lot going on behind the scenes:
17th October: All Spanish unit index pages are now fully responsive and mobile-friendly
12th October 2018: All Latin unit index pages are now fully responsive and mobile-friendly
12th October 2018: All Italian unit index pages are now fully responsive and mobile-friendly
10th October 2018: All German unit index pages are now fully responsive and mobile-friendly
3rd October 2018: All French unit index pages are now fully responsive and mobile-friendly
22nd September 2018: languages online's new responsive, mobile-friendly global index structure launched
13th July, German: The Genitive Case (7 pages)
15th June, French: La Coupe du Monde 2018 (20 pages)
27th April, German: Jobs und Geld (9 pages)
3rd March 2018, German: Filme - Mein Freund, die Giraffe (4 pages)
March 2018: All free time continues to be ploughed into the building of languages online extra.
19th July, Les Pronoms Le, LA, LES (7 pages)
22nd February, German: Fitness und Gesundheit (11 pages))
8th February, French: Dire, Lire, Écrire (12 pages)
3rd February, French: Vouloir et Pouvoir (16 pages)
27th January 2017, French: Les Comparatifs (8 pages)
25th January 2017, Quizlet Games redesigned and fully integrated)
2nd November 2016, French T3: Les Questions (10 pages)
14th October 2016, French T3: Les Verbes Pronominaux (Reflexives) (14 pages)
28th September 2016, French T3: En Ligne (14 pages)
15th June 2016, French: Euro 2016 (28 pages)
6th June 2016, French: Modals, Pouvoir, Vouloir, Devoir (19 pages)
May 2016, Quizlet Games section added
16th March 2016, French ET2: Les Tâches Ménagères (18 pages)
3rd February 2016, French ET2: -IR Verbs (14 pages)
9th December, French ET2: -RE Verbs (14 pages)
25th November, French ET2: Boot Verbs (Stem changing verbs) (10 pages)
18th November, French: RElative Pronouns - Advanced (3 pages)
11th November, French ET2: Les Pays du Monde et les Nationalités (15 pages)
25th October, French ET2: Les Pays en Europe et les Nationalités (19 pages)
14th October, French ET2: Partitive Articles: du, de la, des, de l', de and d' (8 pages)
20th June, French ET2: Les Descriptions Physiques (10 pages)
16th June, French ET2: A la Gare - Voyager en Train (12 pages)
11th June, French ET2: Les Vêtements et METTRE (15 pages)
9th June, French ET2: Les Matières au Collège + PRENDRE (14 pages)
8th June, French ET2: Les casse-croûtes et les glaces (14 pages)
8th June, French ET2: Les verbes avec être au passé composé (11 pages)
8th June, French ET2: Les Questions au Passé Composé (10 pages)
3rd June, French ET2: Les Boissons et BOIRE (14 pages)
21st May 2015, German: Die Schuluniform (13 pages)
7th January 2015, German: Im Fundbüro (10 pages)
December 2014, German: All Listening exercises recoded with html 5 audio coding - plug-ins are no longer needed so they should now work more reliably on all platforms!
3rd November: Refresh of all First Year Learning Latin Units
22nd October: Refresh of A2 Spanish units completed
17th October, German: Possessive Adjectives - Nominative and Accusative (4 pages)
7th October, German: Perfect Tense 3 (6 pages)
September-October: Refresh of AS Spanish units completed
May - September 2014: Major refresh of all pre- GCSE Spanish units
11th June, Spanish: los Mundiales 2014 (21 pages)
11th June, Spanish: AS Exam - Question 9 Gaps (2 pages)
5th June, German: Die Weltmeisterschaft 2014 (21 pages)
4th June, French: La Coupe du Monde 2014 (21 pages)
23rd April, French: Vocabulary Gaps (AQA Unit 1, Question 7)(10 pages)
23rd April, French: Les Publicités (Exam Practice) (5 pages)
16th April 2014: languages online moves to its new home hosted by LCN
12th March 2014, All German Units adapted to be iPad and mobile device compatible
11th March, 2014, 25 more French units adapted to be iPad and mobile device compatible
Site concept, design and management by Andrew Balaam, for Languages Online Ltd. Additional materials by Francisco Villatoro, Ruth Smith and Jacky Tidbury.