Time Phrases in the Past
love learning language
All activities in this section are designed and written by Andrew Balaam.
If you spot a mistake or have any comments, please send me an e-mail
Time Phrases in the Past
- 1. Time Phrases in the past - Vokabeln lernen (Flashcards)
- 2. Time Phrases in the past - Was passt zusammen? (Match up)
- 3. Time Phrases in the Past - Ordne die Phrasen 1 (Ordering)
- 4. Time Phrases in the Past - Ordne die Phrasen 2 (Ordering)
- 5. Time Phrases in the Past - Paare finden (Find the pairs)
- 6. Time Phrases in the Past - Anagrams (Wordwall game)
- 7. Time Phrases in the Past - Schreib die Wörter! (Wordwall game)
- 8. Was hat man gemacht? 1 (Drag the words)
- 9. Was hat man gemacht? 2 - Ohne Hilfe! (Gap fill)
- 10. Ist man ausgegangen? Korrigiere die fehler! (Error correction)
- 11. Letzten - Letzte - Letztes (Multi-choice)
- 12. Wann hast du das gespielt? - Translations 1 (Gap fill)
- 12. Wann hast du das gespielt? - Translations 2 (Gap fill)
- 13. Time Phrases in the Past - Balloon Pop (Wordwall game)
- 14. Time Phrases in the Past - Kreuzworträtsel (Crossword)
languages online ~ German ~ Vocabulary ~ Time Phrases in the Past
Site concept, design and management by Andrew Balaam, for Languages Online Ltd. Additional materials by Francisco Villatoro, Ruth Smith and Jacky Tidbury.